

WhichCache - print the identity of the Vesta cache server


The Vesta tools consult the user's Vesta configuration file to determine various things about the Vesta system's configuration. Among other things, the configuration file contains the identity of a Vesta cache server.

A Vesta cache server is identified by three things:

This simple shell script prints the values of those three configuration settings.

Configuration Variables

Like most Vesta-2 applications, WhichCache reads site-specific configuration information from a Vesta-2 configuration file named vesta.cfg. The program first looks for this file in the current directory; if none is found there, it looks in your home directory.

The configuration file is divided into a number of sections, denoted in the file by [SectionName]. The variables used by WhichCache are in the section denoted by [CacheServer]. Here are the variables and their meanings; the types of the variables are shown in parentheses.

Host (string)
The hostname of the machine on which the cache server is running.

Port (integer)
The port number on the host named by Host to contact. This allows multiple cache servers to be running on the same machine; each one listens on a different port for connections.

MetaDataRoot (string)
The pathname of the directory in which the Vesta system's metadata is stored. If this variable is undefined, the current directory is used. Other configuration variables are interpreted relative to this path.

MetaDataDir (string)
The directory (relative to the MetaDataRoot) in which the cache server's metadata is stored.

See Also

CleanCache(1), CreateCacheDirs(1), EraseCache(1), PrintMPKFile(1), ShowCache(1). VCache(1),


Allan Heydon (caheydon@yahoo.com)

Last modified on Thu Nov  8 12:48:54 EST 2001 by ken@xorian.net
     modified on Fri Feb 28 10:49:37 PST 1997 by heydon
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