_is_bool(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is a boolean value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_bool(FALSE) == TRUE

_is_bool([ foo = 1 ]) == FALSE
_is_bool(<1, 2>) == FALSE
_is_bool("foo") == FALSE

_is_int(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is an integer value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_int(1) == TRUE
_is_int(0xabcde) == TRUE

_is_int(TRUE) == FALSE
_is_int(<1, 2>) == FALSE
_is_int("foo") == FALSE

_is_text(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is a text value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_text("foo") == TRUE

_is_text(3) == FALSE
_is_text(TRUE) == FALSE
_is_text([ foo = 1 ]) == FALSE

_is_err(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is an error value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_err(ERR) == TRUE

_is_err("foo") == FALSE
_is_err(3) == FALSE
_is_err([ foo = 1 ]) == FALSE

_is_list(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is a list value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_list(<1, 2>) == TRUE
_is_list(_list1("foo")) == TRUE

_is_list("foo") == FALSE
_is_list(3) == FALSE
_is_list([ foo = 1 ]) == FALSE

_is_binding(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is a binding value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_binding([ foo = 1 ]) == TRUE
_is_binding(_bind1("bar", 2)) == TRUE

_is_binding(<1, 2>) == FALSE
_is_binding("foo") == FALSE
_is_binding(3) == FALSE

_is_closure(v: any): bool

Returns TRUE if v is a function value and FALSE otherwise.

_is_closure(foo) == TRUE

_is_closure(<1, 2>) == FALSE
_is_closure("foo") == FALSE
_is_closure(3) == FALSE

Kenneth C. Schalk <ken@xorian.net> / Primitive Functions / Vesta SDL Programmer's Reference