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This appendix describes the formal syntax and semantics of the Vesta-2 Software Description Language (SDL). We expect it will be used as a reference by Vesta users. Although the description is meant to be complete and unambiguous, it is by no means a language tutorial or user guide.

In Vesta, the instructions for building a software artifact are written as an SDL program. Evaluating the program causes the software system to be constructed; the program's result value typically contains the derived files produced by the evaluation.

The Vesta SDL is a functional language with lexical scoping. Its value space includes Booleans, integers, texts, lists (similar to LISP lists), sequences of name-value pairs called bindings, closures, and a unique error value.

The language is dynamically typed; that is, types are associated with runtime values instead of with static names and expressions. Even without static type checking, the language is strongly typed: an executing Vesta program cannot breach the language's type system. The expected types of parameters to language primitives are defined, and those types are checked when the primitives are evaluated. The language includes provisions for specifying the types of user-defined function arguments and local variables, but these type declarations are currently unchecked.

The language contains roughly 60 primitive functions. There is a _run_tool primitive for invoking external tools like compilers and linkers as function calls. External tools can be invoked from Vesta without modification.

Conceptually, every software artifact built with Vesta is built from scratch, thereby guaranteeing that the resulting artifact is composed of consistent pieces. Vesta uses extensive caching to avoid unnecessary rebuilding. Vesta records software dependencies automatically. The techniques by which the implementation caches function calls and determines dependencies are described in Chapters 6 and 7 of the research report (Vesta: A System for Software Configuration Management).

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Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Timothy Mann, Yuan Yu