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The first byte of a t_text value has index 0.
operator==(t_text t1, t_text t2)
Returns true if t1 and t2 are identical byte
sequences, and false otherwise.
operator!=(t_text t1, t_text t2) =
operator!(operator==(t1, t2))
operator+(t_text t1, t_text t2)
Returns the byte sequence formed by appending the byte sequence t2
to the byte sequence t1 (concatenation).
_length(t_text t)
Returns the number of bytes in the byte sequence t.
_elem(t_text t, t_int i)
returns a byte sequence of length 1 consisting of byte i
of the byte sequence t. Otherwise, returns the empty byte
_sub(t_text t, t_int start = 0, t_int len = _length(t)) =
int w = _length(t);
int i = _min(_max(start, 0)), w);
int j = _min(i + _max(len, 0), w);
// 0 <= i <= j <= _length(t); extract [i..j)
t_text r = "";
for (; i < j; i++) r = operator+(r, _elem(t, i));
return r;
Extracts from t and returns a byte sequence of length len
beginning at byte start. Note the boundary cases defined by
the pseudo-code; _sub produces a runtime error only if it
is passed arguments of the wrong type.
_find(t_text t, t_text p, t_int start = 0) =
int j = _length(t) - _length(p);
if (j < 0) return -1;
int i = _max(start, 0);
if (i > j) return -1;
for (; i <= j; i++) {
int k = 0;
while (k < _length(p) &&
_elem(t, i+k) == _elem(p, k)) k++;
if (k == _length(p)) return i;
return -1;
Finds the leftmost occurrence of p in t that begins at or
after position start. Returns the index of the first byte
of the occurrence, or -1 if none exists.
_findr(t_text t, t_text p, t_int start = 0) =
int j = _length(t) - _length(p);
if (j < 0) return -1;
int i = _max(start, 0);
if (i > j) return -1;
for (; i <= j; j--) {
int k = 0;
while (k < _length(p) &&
_elem(t, j+k) == _elem(p, k)) k++;
if (k == _length(p)) return j;
return -1;
Finds the rightmost occurrence of p in t that begins at or
after position start. Returns the index of the first byte
of the occurrence, or -1 if none exists.
Next: Functions on Type t_list
Up: Primitives
Previous: Functions on Type t_int
Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Timothy Mann, Yuan Yu